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10 entries -
JIMMY/S JIM SHAW 14-Jul-10 10-Feb-25 9:56am 405 2614
14TB TONY BROWN 07-Mar-10 10-Feb-25 9:06am 1665 6382
kensmith ken smith 03-Aug-03 10-Feb-25 6:04am 49 329
koinorth Rick Haze 09-Apr-11 10-Feb-25 1:25am 9 47
Hunterscliff Nigel Stock 23-Apr-24 09-Feb-25 10:33pm 0 1
Littleemma Colin Hemingway 07-May-11 09-Feb-25 10:00pm 3 86
matthewmorgan matthew morgan 02-Sep-12 09-Feb-25 9:10pm 99 279
All4koi Mark West 17-Jul-15 09-Feb-25 7:40pm 24 32
toby darren jones 28-May-14 09-Feb-25 6:19pm 6 43
sarg malcolm sargent 20-Feb-03 09-Feb-25 4:37pm 76 1039

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