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25 entries -
oakskoifarmyks Paul White 06-Jul-14 01-Jul-16 1:56am 8 1
obolisk0 Darren Withington 02-Sep-08 03-Nov-18 12:00am 192 1936
oggy Lynsey ogden 15-Jul-08 08-Sep-23 5:58pm 8 16
oggy384 Lynsey Golland 22-Aug-23 22-Aug-23 1:49pm 0 0
old man david marriner 20-Sep-09 20-Sep-09 4:15pm 0 0
old-fletch shane fletcher 16-Jul-09 01-Aug-09 6:26pm 1 4
Oliver b Lincoln Barrett 22-Feb-11 30-Mar-11 3:59am 2 1
omzie mick holmes 06-Jan-15 18-Jul-15 8:34pm 1 0
on1 mike holtby 24-May-11 27-Feb-15 4:25am 1 2
oneninenine michael gibbons 08-Sep-12 14-Sep-12 2:50am 1 0
Onionrage John Plackett 13-Sep-20 14-Sep-20 7:43am 0 0
oomoshowa Julie 02-Oct-10 17-Aug-12 5:54am 21 47
orangex2 John Donnelly 05-Sep-09 03-Nov-21 5:16pm 1 2
orlajack1 andrew kelley 29-Nov-15 06-Dec-15 1:45am 1 4
ormeview david wilson 18-Apr-06 19-Aug-10 3:06am 2 24
oscar john ritchie 17-Apr-06 01-Sep-20 5:53pm 27 70
osprey JOHN ANDERSON 17-May-12 18-Feb-22 7:14pm 1 7
ossettred Shaun Brummitt 27-Jan-19 24-Sep-23 5:29pm 11 31
outsmart Carl Meyer 15-Jun-10 28-Jun-10 10:02pm 1 6
Overtherainbow Denise Plenderleith 12-Jun-24 19-Jul-24 9:01am 1 2
owenXD owen gilbertson 11-Mar-12 11-Mar-12 9:39pm 0 0
owl lee wright wright 28-Apr-12 15-Oct-20 7:38pm 14 42
Oz Richard Austwick 02-Dec-23 10-Aug-24 3:35pm 1 0
Ozz13 Wayne Bingham 08-Sep-23 08-Sep-23 12:18pm 0 0
ozz1379 wayne bingham 13-Jul-10 19-Jul-16 9:00pm 121 382

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