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64 entries -
fargo134 Glenn Isted 22-Mar-10 07-May-10 4:27am 2 1
Farls Gareth Atkins 20-Mar-05 08-Jul-05 5:45pm 0 1
Fedgie steven docherty 02-Jun-21 03-Jun-21 10:57am 0 0
fee shane feetham 21-Feb-09 25-Jul-18 3:40am 367 1061
feelinsupersonic Carl 09-Jan-06 11-Apr-23 4:22pm 30 130
fendoch Graham Waugh 14-Mar-03 05-Jun-21 8:58am 1 4
Ferr1t Dave Patrick 11-Jul-16 12-Jul-16 3:30pm 1 0
FIL phil walton 30-Mar-05 13-May-11 3:55pm 8 20
Fil6914 Phil Sowerby 12-Feb-17 11-Feb-23 2:48pm 1 3
fill666 phil knott 01-Jun-12 20-Apr-21 3:34pm 0 0
Finatic David Sutton 01-Feb-11 09-Dec-24 8:56pm 0 5
finch Tony Mortell 18-Jul-13 26-Nov-20 4:15pm 0 0
finchdale simon finch 18-Jun-13 18-Jun-13 3:09am 0 0
finkoi Andy Finch 03-Nov-09 17-Jul-22 6:59pm 6 28
firebird sue lawson 12-Feb-14 22-Jun-14 4:32am 0 0
Fireblademan George Anderson 08-Jul-12 07-Oct-12 6:45am 0 0
Firefish999 Mark Fishlock 29-Sep-14 30-Sep-14 2:53am 0 0
fish George Taylor 10-Mar-10 11-Mar-10 12:39am 0 0
Fish2010 Jason Suthers 11-Sep-10 05-Oct-10 5:34am 1 0
Fisherman9 23-Aug-09 31-May-10 10:56pm 5 30
fishing1 m willows 02-Oct-07 14-May-09 7:20am 3 18
Fishman Brian Seddon 20-Apr-21 03-May-21 7:54pm 1 0
fishpond bob clarke 20-May-08 07-Apr-09 5:45pm 0 0
fishyfingers Harry Aston 16-Jan-08 04-Sep-15 12:33pm 36 87
fishysteve steve weetman 15-Apr-11 27-Dec-24 5:11pm 0 7
fishysteve55 steve lawton 27-Sep-11 19-Feb-19 5:47pm 2 8
Fishytink Paul Tinker 22-Sep-13 02-Jun-21 10:05am 5 11
flesh allan flesher 23-Oct-15 30-Oct-15 3:35am 0 0
Fletch Mike Fletcher 15-Jul-12 06-Jun-13 3:30am 1 10
fletcheralan@hotmall.co.uk alan fletcher 30-Jul-12 08-May-21 8:35pm 0 0
Flipb Philip Brown 15-Jun-22 21-Aug-24 4:17pm 1 1
flipper bernadette speight 15-Aug-10 10-Sep-19 10:24am 11 30
Flowerpot Gail Ward 17-Apr-10 05-Oct-13 1:49am 17 45
fluffy philip greenwood 12-Feb-10 12-Feb-10 3:06am 0 0
flyboy Chris Moran 27-Jun-10 14-Aug-10 5:14am 0 0
Folorin Martin Flower 02-May-13 13-Apr-15 7:31pm 1 3
forsh33 Karl Forshaw 02-May-22 02-May-22 10:56am 0 0
Fossey69 Mick Foster 22-Jul-18 25-Jul-18 3:48am 0 0
foster david foster 27-Jun-05 06-Aug-11 7:03pm 18 35
Fox9414 Niki Fox 14-Jul-18 30-Jun-19 9:22pm 0 0
Foxbat David Winsper 29-May-12 20-Apr-21 3:34pm 0 0
foxeywls dave starkey 06-Aug-12 30-Dec-12 1:40am 1 2
foxy steve fox 06-Jun-08 09-Jun-09 2:05am 0 0
foxyflugel Penny 20-Apr-09 20-Sep-21 3:59pm 25 66
fraggle David Arnold 25-Feb-17 24-Apr-23 4:58pm 1 1
Francis Francis Testo 03-Sep-09 13-Sep-09 1:12am 1 0
frankieboy Frank Parker 11-Mar-16 14-Nov-16 8:12pm 0 2
frankoi Frank 26-Oct-05 01-Jun-14 2:28am 498 4887
Franksidebottom John Hughes 10-Oct-15 18-Jun-20 6:56am 0 0
franky scott travis 26-Oct-12 05-Jul-13 4:25am 3 2
frasedeb fraser rogerson 11-Nov-06 18-Apr-11 5:49am 14 53
Frazz Frazer Krischke 25-Mar-06 22-Jan-17 3:08am 28 52
frear77 steven frear 10-Aug-07 12-Oct-13 3:27pm 4 4
Freddie Sam Smallman 11-Feb-13 05-May-16 6:26am 4 12
FredP Fred Parker 14-Apr-16 24-Aug-16 8:20pm 1 1
frewster Andrew Frew 17-Sep-12 03-Aug-22 1:19pm 0 0
fridgeman mark denford 26-Sep-10 20-Oct-16 4:54am 75 431
frodo andrew wa;ker 07-Mar-10 11-Mar-10 5:28pm 0 0
frontosa steve ........... 07-Aug-12 02-Sep-21 9:17am 0 0
Fryup Joe Tatterton 08-Sep-20 04-Jan-21 11:45am 0 0
ftrescue Alex williams 11-Apr-21 11-Apr-21 7:52pm 0 0
fuggsyboy neil thorogood 25-Jan-09 06-Mar-09 4:19pm 1 1
furnacesuk Richard Hallatt 31-Jan-14 31-Jan-14 7:52pm 0 0
futurekoibrandon Brandon weatherill 24-Jun-10 08-Jul-10 12:54am 0 0

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