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Steven Doneena

YKS club member
"Cold weather " 1:43am Monday 13th Jan
joined: 20th Feb 17
last here: 8:09pm Friday 7th Feb
posts: 149

How's everyone coping with this cold weather? My pond went from 9.5ºC to 3.1ºC. Fish are now sat at the bottom waiting for warmer weather like the rest of us brrr

Take care
Syeven and Doneena

YKS club member
"RE: Cold weather" 8:56am Monday 13th Jan

joined: 6th Mar 10
last here: 9:01am Today
posts: 8048

Hi Steven,
Touch wood it is due to get warmer from today. Was less frost here last night but still cold out there. I had a water supply pipe frozen up ,but keeping fish no lower than 12c.

Click the link below for YORKSHIRE KOI SOCIETY YouTube we will be regularly making short videos
Steven Doneena

YKS club member
"RE: Cold weather" 6:49am Today
joined: 20th Feb 17
last here: 8:09pm Friday 7th Feb
posts: 149

How do you heat your pond tony? I have never heated so it's always cold this time of year, but it's always been ok. Just stop feeding till it's warmer


YKS club member
"RE: Cold weather" 10:02am Today

joined: 6th Mar 10
last here: 9:01am Today
posts: 8048

I heat with electricity.
Do you cover yours? I have some spare large polycarbonate sheets that you can have free to a good home if you don't Think I have 6 they are 3meters x 800 x 30 thick approx.

Click the link below for YORKSHIRE KOI SOCIETY YouTube we will be regularly making short videos

YKS moderator team..
"RE: Cold weather" 5:27pm Thursday 16th Jan

joined: 13th Jul 10
last here: 5:08pm Monday 10th Feb
posts: 3019
from: West Yorkshire

I would cover the pond at that temp the fish will not be happy and may end up with sores or bent.

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