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YKS club member
"Todays club meeting" 7:18pm Sunday 24th Nov | message edited once

joined: 6th Mar 10
last here: 8:52am Today
posts: 8031

Todays club meeting was a really enjoyable and enlightening presentation on bonsai.
Massive thank you to Ray and Kim for sharing their knowledge and also doing some work on members trees.
Ray and Kim are great supporters of the Yorkshire Koi Society and travel great distances to do fabulous presentations for the club, thank you so very much.

They are both members of the Accrington Bonsai Society. Kim is also a potter and makes unique bonsai pots, Ray has a you tube channel Rays Bonsai.

We do hope that they are able to do a future presentation for the club do not miss it.

pics and Kim's link to follow

Click the link below for YORKSHIRE KOI SOCIETY YouTube we will be regularly making short videos

YKS moderator team..
"RE: Todays club meeting" 11:49am Monday 25th Nov | message edited 5 times

joined: 13th Jul 10
last here: 12:24am Yesterday
posts: 3016
from: West Yorkshire

Really enjoyed the meeting, Ray and Kim gave a great presentation as usual.

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