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cameron1998"Air source heat pump " 8:16pm Monday 18th Nov
joined: 27th Apr 18
last here: 7:53pm Yesterday
posts: 10
from: Middlesbrough

Has anyone got a remora i9 was thinking about getting one for my 2300 gallon pond or do I get the remora 12i

YKS club member
"RE: Air source heat pump" 12:00am Friday 22nd Nov

joined: 6th Mar 10
last here: 8:52am Today
posts: 8031

Don't have one Cameron, but generally people advise to go for the larger capacity heat pumps.

Click the link below for YORKSHIRE KOI SOCIETY YouTube we will be regularly making short videos
Steven Doneena

YKS club member
"RE: Air source heat pump" 6:48pm Sunday 1st Dec
joined: 20th Feb 17
last here: 5:51pm Today
posts: 140

Give one of our sponsors a call heat pumps 4 you (link at the bottom). Don't forget to mention the yorkshire koi society

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