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Chat - General koi related chat!


YKS club member
"A big welcome to john.e.buckley" 8:10am Tuesday 20th Aug | message edited once

joined: 6th Mar 10
last here: 11:54pm Yesterday
posts: 8009

A big welcome to John.e.buckley our latest forum member

Hope you enjoy the forum and find it useful.

Why not say hello. Ask a question or tell us about your pond, or yourself.

Forum members love to view pictures but not compulsory.

The forum has some really useful bits ,dealer links ,other interesting links and especially the health section.

If you click the Yorkshire Koi Society Banner at the top of the page, you will see at the bottom of the page links to our sponsors and supporters. When clicking their banners you will find some great ranges of koi ,food and equipment.

If you need help with using the forum just ask.

Many forum members go on to join the club and enjoy the many club events, pond specialist talks and presentations, photo show ,barbeque presentation event, pond visits, great raffles, Christmas dinner, exchange visits to other clubs and more. A few pics of some of our events below.

Click the link below for YORKSHIRE KOI SOCIETY YouTube we will be regularly making short videos

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