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YKS moderator team..
"Todays YKS Christmas dinner." 5:49pm Sunday 3rd Dec | message edited 2 times

joined: 13th Jul 10
last here: 10:30pm Friday 14th Jun
posts: 3011
from: West Yorkshire

Great turnout and great meal as usual, Hope everyone enjoyed their day and managed to win a raffle prize.
Hope you enjoyed the quiz even though there were a few in from last year (know one could remember the answers)
Thanks to all who donated prizes and Dave for the star prize + all who helped.

Regards Jim


YKS club member
"RE: Todays YKS Christmas dinner." 11:25pm Sunday 3rd Dec

joined: 6th Mar 10
last here: 7:44am Today
posts: 7974

A great event Jimmy,
Great company, great food, great raffle, good quiz.
Well done to you and the committee for organising.

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