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Look what’s piped onto bird table dave23869 10:22pm Friday 3rd Jun [open all]
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table kathsi 7:03pm Saturday 4th Jun
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table 14TB 10:30am Sunday 5th Jun
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table dave23869 10:06pm Sunday 5th Jun
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table 14TB 11:51pm Sunday 5th Jun
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table JIMMY/S 10:50pm Thursday 16th Jun

dave23869"Look what’s piped onto bird table " 10:22pm Friday 3rd Jun | Moved from Chat

joined: 2nd May 04
last here: 8:49am Thursday 9th Nov
posts: 1377
from: near whitby north yorkshi

Look at this sat posing outside window on bird table sorry pictures always load sideways for some reason

4000 gallons queni koi drum and jbr plastics bio chamber drum fed from bottom drain 3 inch gravity skimmer also into drum 55 watt submersible uv 240 litres air and 12 fishI

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