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Dealer Ads - Koi trade only

Koimasters Clearing down sale. koimasters 10:56am Friday 22nd Oct [open all]
RE: Koimasters Clearing down sale. ossettred 9:22pm Friday 22nd Oct
RE: Koimasters Clearing down sale. ossettred 10:56am Sunday 24th Oct

koimasters" Koimasters Clearing down sale." 10:56am Friday 22nd Oct
joined: 22nd Apr 14
last here: 5:13pm Thursday 20th Jul
posts: 888

I have approx ten pieces of sanke/kohaku/showa to clear at a tenner apiece,to finalise the space i will need for my nissai/sansai/yonsai delivery expected in november.

all clean healthy parasite free fish as you would expect from me.they will be the best bargain you will ever get,first come first served.

You know me no photos at the mo.

regards chris m.


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