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Dealer Ads - Koi trade only

SALE !!!! MASSIVE REDUCTIONS!!! bazkoi 11:05am Thursday 30th Sep [open all]
RE: SALE !!!! MASSIVE REDUCTIONS!!! 14TB 11:03pm Friday 8th Oct
RE: SALE !!!! MASSIVE REDUCTIONS!!! bazkoi 8:06pm Saturday 16th Oct
RE: SALE !!!! MASSIVE REDUCTIONS!!! 14TB 12:25am Sunday 17th Oct
RE: SALE !!!! MASSIVE REDUCTIONS!!! toby 2:21pm Tuesday 19th Oct
RE: SALE !!!! MASSIVE REDUCTIONS!!! bazkoi 9:40pm Friday 22nd Oct

bazkoi"SALE !!!! MASSIVE REDUCTIONS!!!" 11:05am Thursday 30th Sep

joined: 5th Nov 05
last here: 6:02pm Thursday 30th Jan
posts: 1087
from: methley leeds

Methley Koi are having a sale with some massive reductions on selected koi to make room for new arrivals
Some of these fish are far below below trade prices but I really need the room !!
So come Along and grab yourself a bargain at prices that won’t be repeated again
This offer so far is only open to Yorkshire Koi Society members for now prior to advertising else where
So come along and grab yourself a BARGAIN
To make arrangements to view ring Baz 07949195000

Quality koi to suit all budgets

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