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YKS moderator team..
"E-BAY SALES" 3:13am Thursday 20th Nov | message edited 7 times

joined: 10th Oct 02
last here: 1:21pm Thursday 5th Dec
posts: 23059
from: york

the moderators have removed a post, which had a link to advertising fish for sale on e-bay, please note the terms & conditions number 8.

"Having witnessed the disgusting way that koi have been displayed for sale on e-bay it was felt by the forum moderators that anyone who is prepared to risk koi's health in that fashion ie selling on e-bay, then it is not part of what the Yorkshire Koi Society stands for.
Hence paragraph 8.

8. No member, either dealer or hobbyist, may advertise a fish on this forum if they have at any time advertised the same fish on eBay. Any such posts will be removed.

[color=red] if you forget your history, you will repeat your mistakes, RoyH [/color]


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