Hi Below is guide on adding pics to a post, Hope this helps.
"Go to edit profile (Just ABOVE Chat tab) - Picture uploader – BROWSE to Choose picture file – Double click on pic req – Upload - The picture should now be saved on your profile – If you now go to your post – or reply to any posts – click on insert pic your last 6 pics should show top left, click on the one required and it should now be in the post."
If the pic is too large it may not upload and needs to be resized to 640x480 pixels wide then it should load. better if you can set your camera first if you have a few to load to save having to re size each one
There is no need to have your camera set to high/fine as most sites resize anyway & the quality is still good at the above if you are not intending on greatly enlarging the image.
Tony has installed a resizer to the forum so resizing should not be required now.