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Koi Health - Health & Parasite info

Flukes Graham 3:06pm Monday 29th Aug [open all]
RE: Flukes 14TB 10:15pm Monday 29th Aug
RE: Flukes voodoo_15_uk 9:01pm Saturday 3rd Sep
RE: Flukes Graham 7:02pm Tuesday 6th Sep
RE: Flukes voodoo_15_uk 4:22pm Saturday 8th Oct

Graham"RE: Flukes" 7:02pm Tuesday 6th Sep
joined: 13th Jun 17
last here: 6:40pm Sunday 7th Jul
posts: 17
from: Hessle, East Yorkshire

Hi Laura, having tried fluke solve plus twice to very little effect and after waiting between different treatments and huge water changes I finally went for LERNEX and salt at 0.3% , my theory being salt strips the mucus so the LERNEX can get at the little shits. Have lost a lot of fish until I did this. Looking a lot better now no losses since this . Cant find any flukes now (fingers and fins crossed ) Got to decide now if to keep the salt content up or not .Never used salt in my pond before. I have to say I think LERNEX is the treatment to go for , cost me a fortune to treat 7000 galls twice.
No ref to salt in LERNEX instructions and makers impossible to contact, so I just went for it (losing fish anyway and why is it always the best ones first )

Graham javascript:smile('')

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