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Koi Health - Health & Parasite info

Ongoing problems, please help jak_jones 2:23pm Sunday 4th Jul [open all]
RE: Ongoing problems, please help big h 6:23am Monday 5th Jul
RE: Ongoing problems, please help 14TB 11:45pm Monday 5th Jul
RE: Ongoing problems, please help RoyH 7:26am Tuesday 6th Jul
RE: Ongoing problems, please help jak_jones 11:28am Thursday 8th Jul
RE: Ongoing problems, please help jak_jones 9:56pm Sunday 1st Aug
RE: Ongoing problems, please help Phoenix17 7:33am Monday 17th Jul
RE: Ongoing problems, please help 14TB 8:58pm Tuesday 23rd Jul


YKS club member
"RE: Ongoing problems, please help" 11:45pm Monday 5th Jul

joined: 6th Mar 10
last here: 7:44am Today
posts: 7974

Hi Craig,
Could anything be polluting the water? Is the fresh water acceptable? what are the water parameters.Is your pond visited by birds(often they carry diseases).

If its bacterial you need expert advice and or veterinary advice. May need a swab .

Think that you urgently need professional advice. Paula Reynolds at Lincolnshire Fish Health tele 01205 723413 daily from 10 till 4 would be my go to.

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