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Look what’s piped onto bird table dave23869 10:22pm Friday 3rd Jun [open all]
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table kathsi 7:03pm Saturday 4th Jun
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table 14TB 10:30am Sunday 5th Jun
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table dave23869 10:06pm Sunday 5th Jun
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table 14TB 11:51pm Sunday 5th Jun
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table JIMMY/S 10:50pm Thursday 16th Jun


YKS club member
"RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table" 11:51pm Sunday 5th Jun | message edited once

joined: 6th Mar 10
last here: 11:16pm Monday 7th Oct
posts: 8009

Dave , since lockdown I have really enjoyed viewing and feeding the birds . Its one of natures great pleasures , i don't have a clue what bird is singing but they are great to hear . I have really increased my spend on different bird feeds and treats and that just brings more and more pleasure .
Jimmy Shaw really is the bird/animal man of the club though he seems to tame anything from birds to squirrels. He does spend a fortune on live mealworm though.

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