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kitsu"Change of Opening Hours" 9:24pm Monday 16th Nov

joined: 26th Jan 06
last here: 11:07pm Monday 13th Dec
posts: 1253
from: United Kingdom

It's time to make a small change at Kitsu Koi. From 1st December, we will no longer open on Sundays.

It's time to make time for family, especially as our litte Teddy is growing into a Theodore and is now in school full time. One day, he might learn something and he can do the Sundays!

We realise this could make shopping difficult for some - so we are looking into a local delivery service, and from March 2021 will offer a late evening during the week (TBC).

Our new hours are
Monday - 9-4
Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday - 9-4
Thursday - 9-4
Friday - 9-4
Saturday - 9-4
Sunday - Closed



YKS moderator team..
"RE: Change of Opening Hours" 10:07pm Wednesday 18th Nov

joined: 13th Jul 10
last here: 8:26am Yesterday
posts: 3004
from: West Yorkshire

Make the most of it Chris they grow so quickly and the time passes so fast.


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